Exhibition Rules

1. The exhibition will be held both online and face-to-face.

2. There is no theme/content limitation for the works/designs to be sent to the exhibition.

3. Each participant can participate in the exhibition with 2 works. The works accepted for the exhibition must not have been exhibited on any platform before.

4. There are no technical and material limitations on the works/designs. (Two and three dimensional designs and digital works are also included in the exhibition)

5. For online and face-to-face exhibitions, the artwork images must be in JPEG format with a resolution of 300 DPI and at least (2200 x 1700) pixels.

6. The long side of the works to be sent for the physical exhibition should not exceed 200 cm.

7. Jury evaluation results will be notified to the participants via e-mail.

8. The works to be exhibited in person, together with the Participation Form, must be sent to the address specified until November 1, 2024 at the latest

9. The online exhibition will be held at www.hites.hitit.edu.tr.

10. The e-participation certificate and e-exhibition catalog with ISBN will be sent via e-mail to the participants whose works/designs are exhibited. 

11. Hitit University is not responsible if the works to be delivered by cargo suffer any damage during the transfer. The responsibility for the failure to deliver the work / design due to incorrect address spelling or late delivery belongs to the participant. The shipping fee incurred in sending the work belongs to the sender.

12. Participants who make a declaration by filling out the exhibition form will accept, declare and undertake that the work sent to the exhibition belongs entirely to them within the framework of ethical principles and responsibilities.

13. Hitit University and its units may use the work/design images for the announcement and publication of the online-face-to-face exhibition in social media accounts, various press and media organs, without paying copyright, by giving name and work information.

Personal Exhibition

    - There are no theme and technique limitations for solo exhibitions.

    - A minimum of 15 works can be applied for a solo exhibition.

    - Accepted Solo Exhibition “Solo Exhibition Artwork Information” must be added to the registration form during registration. Click here for the Personal Exhibition Work Information Form.

Delivery Address for Works to be sent by Cargo:

Iskilip Vocational School Iskilip / Çorum

Address for Hand Delivery of Work:

Iskilip Vocational School Iskilip/Çorum