Invitation Text

We will be honored to host you, our esteemed participants, at the International Hitit University Technology and Art Symposium (HİTES), which will be hosted by Hitit University in Çorum, the centre of the world, on 07-08 November 2024.

With the participation of all fields that are part of the main title of ‘Technology and Art’; We aim to organize an interdisciplinary symposium where different disciplines are brought together, information is shared, existing problems are identified and solutions are presented. The symposium, which will be held in order to discuss new concepts related to the fields of technology and art, to examine the relations of technology and art with each other and their reflections on social life, will be held face-to-face and online (hybrid) hosted by the Vocational School of Technical Sciences and İskilip Vocational School. Researchers working in all scientific fields of technology and art or interested in these fields are invited to our symposium.

We would like to thank you in advance for your valuable participation in the International Hitit University Technology and Art Symposium (HITES), stating that we will be happy to host all our stakeholders who want to participate as listeners as well as you, our valuable participants, to present oral-poster papers, to open personal-mixed exhibitions in our city and our university.

Symposium Organizing Committee